The basis for all of our modules is a robust, high-performance, and proven time series database. This enables the deployment, storage, and processing of a large amount of time-related bulk data. So every second thousands of different measurement data from different sources and measuring stations can be fed into our system. In addition, we have developed our database in such a way that it is possible to process raster data. Achieving time-series data from raster data and processing it further is not a problem given our very high bandwidth capabilities. For example, time series data can be directly extracted from area precipitation and used for further evaluations or models.
All modules are executable under Windows and Linux. Switching from a network drive to a network protocol (TopoServer) also provides very good and reliable communication between Windows computers and Linux servers. As a result, a Time Series Management System has emerged that features a modern database architecture and is SQL-capable.
Markus von Brevern
Software development
Tel: +49 241 927892-22
Ralph Lowinski
Software development
Tel: +49 241 927892-28
Dipl.-Ing. Kai Röller
Software development
Tel: +49 241 927892-27
Ulrich Brücker
Software development
Tel: +49 241 927892-29
Dipl.-Kff. Ulrike von Brevern