Comparison of radar data and data from surface observation stations
TopoCity ships as an installable file and does not need to be configured. It gets the map background directly from the server of the OpenStreetMap project in 20 zoom levels. By clicking on a button, you determine which section covers your area. Thus, the grid section for the Radolan data is fixed. These are automatically pulled from the server of the German Weather Service and can run as a raster film transparently over the map background or displayed as a time series graph by clicking in a grid.
The import of many different file formats for measurement data is possible simply by clicking on the file in the file overview; if the dataset is not known, the measurement station name and parameter are queried. The position of the measuring point in the map is determined by clicking on it. Further imports to this measuring station/parameter are then made without detour, directly into the time series database. The TopoVit module is fully